Thursday, July 2, 2009

2 down, 2 2 go...

okay, perhaps i should tell you why i'm counting down these pages. i originally came up with this idea two or so weeks ago, and i'm tired of thinking about it, so it's been dragging. i'm ready to be done with it, so i'm forcing myself. get behind me, cartoon!

 - gabe

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

3 to go...

okay, here's page two. if you didn't read page one, it's downstairs in yesterday's post. i'm starting the process of building my website finally, so one day this won't be such a wonky process. right? right. 

 - gabe

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

four of them?...

So I've been working on this little four page cartoon for longer than I'd like. But still, finish finish finish. That's what's important. Anyhow, click on the image to view the page. I know it's brief, but it's only page one out of four. I'll post the rest over the next three days.

 - gabe